Howdy Reader! We have had a bathroom with bare concrete for YEARS because we yanked up the floor since the dogs destroyed it, and it never got fixed. I have moles making highways in my yard. My back hurts. Half the country is elated, while the other half wonders, “How cold is Canada REALLY?” At first glance, everything seems to be falling apart. AND trying to be a creator and run a business through all this noise? But I’m thankful. I’m thankful I have a home. That squeaky trashcan reminds me we’ve always had more than enough. We've had a great place with a big yard to raise our kids. My back reminds me I'm mobile and still alive. We. I heard this great quote from Kevin Kelly while editing a podcast for a client. ”If you only read the news, you’ll think things have never been worse, but if you read history, you realize things have never been better.” And here’s some more news for you. You matter. I’m thankful for YOU for reading this email. There’s an old hymn that says. “Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blesssings see what God hath done.” I count you as one of my many blessings. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.* See ya around the interwebs, P.S. I’ve been collecting deals and specials for this holiday season; if you’d like to get those emails, click here! * If you celebrate U.S. Thanksgiving. If you're not, have a thankful rest of your week 😁 |
Jeff is an international speaker and visual marketing consultant. He hosts the Social Media News Live show and podcast and is also the editor for Guy Kawasaki's Remarkable People Podcast. He is also "Head Beard" at Manly Pinterest Tips.
Howdy Reader! Selling stinks. When I worked for other people, I had no problem selling our services. I love recommending great products and services from brands and influencers that I know, like, and trust. So why is it so hard to actually sell our OWN products and services? Listen, I’ve heard all the sales tropes like, “you sell the sizzle, not the steak.” Or, “go after the low-hanging fruit.” And even “this is a win-win situation for both of us!” Now, if I had a tree with low-hanging...
Howdy Reader! I read a great word in a book that I really identified with. The author was talking about how when they’re stressed about putting content out, they tend to “procrasti-tinker” with tools instead of finishing up the project. Man. I’ve been there… Creating content is HARD! And it feels like something in our lizard brain fights us every step of the way. That’s why learning from people who have fought off the dilly-dallying dinos and are content-creation machines is essential. That’s...
Howdy Reader! First of all, during this season of egg nog imbibing, Christmas cookie baking, last-minute present panicking, and fruitcake regifting, I want to pause and say thank you! Thank you for being a part of this newsletter community. One of the best gifts is opening my computer the day after an email goes out and getting a chance to respond to people who have replied to the newsletter. Thank you for taking the time to chat. It means a lot. Now, on to some cool new tools I had a chance...